Effective Rosacea Solutions at Coastal Valley Dermatology
What is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a chronic condition characterized by flushing or redness of the face, red bumps similar to acne, or thickening of the skin of the nose.
While distinct vessels can be part of the condition, the common background redness is generally caused by vessels too small to individually be seen.

Treatments for Facial Redness - Rosacea
Treatment of rosacea varies and depends on the severity. Mild cases are often just covered with cosmetic products. In more severe cases, topical or oral medication can help. Certain prescription vitamin preparations may be used or light based treatments like broadband light (BBL) treatments can help reverse already existing facial redness.
Rosacea treatment is not curative, but rather aimed at lessening the amount of redness and inflammatory lesions, therefore decreasing the number and duration of the lesions and relieving the tenderness, burning and itching that accompanies rosacea.
People suffering from rosacea should contact dermatologist Dr. Roya Javid for a consultation and discuss treatment methods that can be used to alleviate rosacea. Treatment will relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of rosacea and provide a more pleasant appearance to the skin.
Coastal Valley Dermatology is committed to providing state-of-the-art medical and non-surgical rejuvenation treatments that allow our patients to feel youthful and confident. Schedule your consultation in person or via Telehealth video visit with Dr. Roya Javid at 831-293-8458.