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IMMUNE HEALTH PROTOCOL: A key strategy for winter health is to focus on foundational nutrients that support the innate and adaptive immune responses. The innate immune response is the body’s first line of defense which includes physical barriers such as the skin, mucosa of the sinus and respiratory tract, and the lining of the intestinal tract. Vitamins A, C, D, E, and K help build immune cells and molecules involved in the innate immune response, while glutathione helps protect them. Spore-forming probiotics can help promote immune activity in the gut and barrier integrity. Finally, a throat spray is a great tool to support immunity before and after coming into contact with the outside world. A complex of liposomal zinc, quercetin and luteolin creates a powerful ionophore that enhances bioavailability of the formula for maximum efficacy. Together, these products effectively promote the healthy barrier function of all the membranes that are in contact with the outside world, supporting your body's first line of defense.
Buy ZO Skincare Online
A suite of ZO Skin Health products available for purchase online.
Schedule Your Telehealth Visit
Dr. Roya Javid offers Telehealth visits for your convenience. 831-293-8458